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Assassin’s Creed was a flagship new IP for the Xbox 360 last generation, after 5 console based sequels, 3 Handheld Spin offs, 4 smart phone iterations, countless books and graphic novels, and branching multi-platform to all consoles, the people at Ubisoft are only beginning to scrape the surface of what is possible with our current technology and multiple media outlets. It is needless to say we have come a very long way since the first assassin’s creed game.


Let me start off by thanking Ubisoft for producing Assassin’s Creed 2 when it did, because it is the only reason I passed my sophomore world history class. For those of you who don’t know about the franchise, it takes historical milestones and turns them into a gamers playground while tying in secret society’s and making history new and refreshing while still retaining enough original material that you actually do learn something throughout the game. My favorite thing that the second game did amazingly was add historical landmarks that rewarded you for your exploration.


Though the series has had its number of lackluster titles due to annual fatigue the most recent iteration took notes from other Ubisoft franchises and applied them masterfully while still staying true to what an AC game is all about.


The next game is called Assassin’s Creed Unity, and it takes place during The French Revolution, which was one of the first times an over taking of this scale and magnitude took place, it also inspired countless other nations to revolt against tyranny and injustice.


The trailer for Assassin’s Creed Unity is not anything we haven’t seen before with the exception of a new weapon the arrow hidden blade. The franchise is known for its parkour and stealth kill combat method which are definitely highlighted throughout the trailer. A fairly new addition is the ability to jump through buildings and windows allowing for easier traversal this is also shown in the trailer; but it looks like the insides are being fleshed out into actual living quarters that you’ll hopefully be able to explore instead of the in one end and out the other method introduced in AC3.


 A new Gameplay feature which was introduced and highlighted at this year’s E3 was Co-op which isn’t the first time the franchise has had co-op but it is the first time it is part of the story and not a separate multiplayer offering with no story driven objective.

Assassin’s Creed Unity comes out October 28th, 2014.


Prepare to Unite The Revolution

Multiplayer Breakdown


In the World premiere of this new Feature of the AC Franchise, the player is tasked with exploring the environment, creating opportunities, and killing the target. The Target is shown in the upper left hand corner as Marquis De Buillon, which to my knowledge and after some research holds no historical significance to the revolution. Marquis is a European term for a nobleman of high ranking, so this man is just a high ranking official from the land of Buillon; which is an actual place in France.


Back to the trailer, its starts out with a single player making his way through crowds of distraught French citizens and silently killing French officials as he weaves through the crowd. A second player pops up on the screen with a purple marker over his head doing the same thing, they converge at an arch that leads to a larger building.


It is being protected by eight guards, the French protesters are not outnumbered but are wary of attacking the few guards until given the motivation from the two assassins as they quickly dispatch of the two closest to the arch. The protesters coordinate and topple the guards and destroy the semi-circle formation they had as they head towards the larger building.


 The assassins sneak in unnoticed amongst the protestors, then turn left and separate. They climb towards a window which is the only visible way into the building that is protecting their target.


The two assassins are then met by two more that have already made their way into the building, they quickly dispatch of the few guards near the windows and guarding the hallway.


The screen cuts to one as he sees the main target addressing the guards in a rude and pompous fashion, telling them that if they don’t do their job he will use their head as piss pot. The assassins wave through some rooms and corridors in standard parkour Assassin’s Creed fashion.


We lose sight of the second set of assassins as the first two are spotted and dispatch of the guards one even using the new arrow hidden blade to get rid of a guard who was on full alert. They jump on to some perching flags then climb up one floor through the outside of the building. All four assassins converge on a corridor overlooking the party that is being protested.


Mayhem ensues from outside as the protestors launch an object through the window. The assassins take advantage of this time to take care of the few guards in the party area. After this is done they all collectively toss their target through a window to be taken care of by the terribly upset crowd.  The targets head is then cut off and held on display as the crowd cheers at this victory.


I am very excited to create many more of these awesome water cooler moments with my friends as the game releases on October 28th.


Unite The Revolution!

By: John Almanzar

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