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Possibly the most anticipated Playstation 4 Exclusive, The Order 1886; shows an alternate history of London, following a team of knights tasked with keeping the world safe from half breed monsters.


The most recent trailer follows one of these knights through a dark hospital like building. This trailer showcased the first bit of gameplay that, was not a gun blazing encounter; with the half breed monsters of London. It highlighted a more third person survival horror feel, that will hopefully be spread throughout the campaign to palette cleanse and make this game feel more distinct from other third person shooters of the next generation.


You can tell from the trailer that a lot of work has been put in to building tension and atmosphere around the character to make this gameplay feel intimate and terrifying. Let me get this out of the way this game looks amazing, the dimly lit offices, and hospital desks, the way the main character lantern flickers. This amazing attention to detail is why Sony remains as possibly one of the best in first party offerings and game development.


In the trailer we follow the player through a variety of rooms as he is seemingly trying to track down, one of the monsters. The main character is pacing himself as to display actual terror as he turns corners and looks through glass windows in tense fear of what might be on the other side.


Towards the middle of the trailer he finds the monster, a cut scene kicks the main character does not automatically engage it. He watches it feed for a few seconds, as the monster then realizes it’s being watched, it slowly turns its head around (the monster at this point is in its human form) as to make the player aware it knows he’s been there for a while.


The monster then stands up and changes into what can only be describes as werewolf/ lycan creature. The monster lunges as the main character runs back down the main corridor backwards, as he shoots useless bullets at the monster. The main character very obviously has no leverage here and cannot engage.  The monster thrusts the main character through a window injuring him, he swallows something from a tube around his neck as he attempts to hide. The hunter has now become the hunted as the monster finds some of the main characters blood and uses it to track him down, the main character is forced to engage. The trailer end with the monsters giant body covering the camera as he lunges at the protagonist.


This trailer made me very excited for a game I had very little interest in prior to viewing it. If the rest of the game lives up to this trailer and what is being put forth in other trailers then you can bet, I’ll be one of the first in line to pick it up when it come out in 2015.

By: John Almanzar

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