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The way the Legend of Zelda trailer was introduced in a generally weird fashion at this years E3, but much like all other Nintendo titles the trailers for some reason can not speak for themselves, so Eiji Aonuma took us for an unnecessary trip down memory lane.

He walked us through the already very well known history of the Legend of Zelda franchise, and how things worked in form of prospective and how things were formed.

Then he presents a moving frame of the new Legend of Zelda game for Wiiu. He points out things that should already be a given, taking into account how much adventure games have progressed in the past 5 years and the technological abilities of the Wiiu console itself. 

Then he goes into an over elaborate explanation of why things are happening in the trailer. 

Honestly the trailer was an awesome and highly engaging experience in and of itself I could've watched that cell shaded moving frame for about 5 minutes without him talking and have been as hyped for the game as I am now.

As soon as Eiji exits the screen I can finally stop yawning because things get a whole lot less boring. A 6 legged creature attacks who we presume to be Link, as he runs away on horse back. 

I'm so happy that they have finally chosen an art style and direction for in which to take the series because, for years now they've been very hushed besides that one trailer a couple years back that looks completely different for where we are now. 

Back to the trailer "Link" gets to a bridge where the monster breaks it in half, and "he" is forced to fight. "He" removes the cloak "he's" been wearing since the beginning of the trailer and unleashes a barrage of various arrows at he monster. The art direction screams 2014 windwaker, with very advanced HD cell shaded textures I almost drooled while watching.

As "he" releases the final arrow, we get a close up and what do we see? A very female countenance now you see why I have been writing he in quotations. Could Nintendo be making Zelda the hero of her own story! We all know strong female leads are in the rise as of late. I'm all for a totally bad ass Zelda game with Zelda as the main playable character. 

Nintendo is very hushed about what is going on with the game besides the trailer itself so hopefully in the coming months we shall get more info, and answers to the most burning question at the moment. 
Is that Zelda in the trailer!? 

We will find out soon, until then Legend of Zelda for the Wii U is currently slated for 2015

By: John Almanzar

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