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‘The Last of Us’ Remastered, this game needs no break down whatsoever; but here I am trying to summarize single handedly one of the best games I have ever played in all my life.


‘The Last of Us’ was one of the games that came out last year with so much ambiguity and hype that it could have easily been one of the greatest secret disappointments of all time, but it was not.


‘The Last of Us’ kept its balance as a heavily story driven survival action game of the likes no one has ever seen before or could possibly ever see again., it is just that great of a game and its accolades could attest to this. It played with emotional chords, controversy, and the very definition of stories and the heights that could be reached in interactive media.


Let me get on to the trailer, it opens up with the following contains spoilers. The first scene was actually the very first time we experience loss in this game, when ‘The Last of Us’ came out last year we had mere minutes to get a grip of a relationship of 11 years, to then have it ripped away from us. It was done in such a staccato that it left me reeling for the next few hours.


The trailer then jumps around through many different set pieces and high tensioned moments that it would take me forever to actually sum up everything that happens in a way that could ever come close to doing this game any justice.


My one opinion is, if you have not played ‘The Last of Us’ do yourself a huge favor get yourself a PS4 to play this game, and experience the remastered copy of an already stunning visual treat running at a native 1080p & 60fps. You would not regret buying a PS4 for this game. (If you) already have a PS4 and aren't already on board to buy this game, find a friend or someone who has it and ask them to borrow it; go to any lengths to experience this masterpiece and milestone in interactive media." 


‘The Last of Us’ Remastered comes only to PlayStation 4 on July 29, 2014

By: John Almanzar

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