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If you have read my trailer breakdown for Aliens Isolation, you would know I am a ide hard fan of all things that go bump in the night therefore The Evil Within is my kind of game.


The Evil Within is being brought to us by the mind that directed and made Resident Evil an early staple of the survival horror genre. Shinji Mikami, The father of survival horror is going back to the roots of what made survival horror so popular and amazing.

All the videos and gameplays, shown for this game show us why Shinji Mikami is considered the father of such a difficult genre, which as of late has not been very popular because of lack luster entries in it.


Many developers have lost sight of what made it so amazing and in turn made terrible or less than stellar entries in franchises such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill in order to cater to the FPS and Action oriented masses instead of finding the formula for truly terrifying and disturbing experiences and perfecting them for those diehard fans like myself.


This is not to say that the genre as a whole is dead because indie developers and small studios have made many fantastic games in the past few years that served to whet the appetite of people like myself. A few are Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Slender Man, FEAR, and my most recent favorite Outlast.


The most recent trailer serves more as a validation of my biggest hope, to be genuinely scared as I play this game the way it’s meant to be played and that is curtains drawn and lights off.


It opens up with a blank screen reading in red letters “THESE ARE NOT ACTORS”. Then it proceeds to show a variety of testers sitting down and beginning to play the game. the trailer is about a minute long with not much context given but what I do see is that this game is not for the faint of heart, and though I am horror inclined I feel as though I will be playing with only one eye open awaiting the next gruesome and or terrifying scene.


There is tons of gameplay out there if you want to take a look for yourself. As for myself I have not watched any of it, I’ve read a lot about it and this is the only trailer I’ve watched, just because I’m waiting and saving the scares for the game. “Fear Takes Hold” on October 14 when The Evil Within releases.

By: John Almanzar

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