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At the Sony press conference a new DESTINY trailer was unveiled, in which we got a lot more information about the planet wars and how they started. 


We discover that an item called the Traveler allowed for humans to build, and sustain life on other planets. It changed the way we lived life itself. Mercury as told by the trailer seems to become our main source of vegetation, and agriculture.. Human life span tripled, they knew that it was their “DESTINY to walk in the light of other stars”. 


We can only assume that this "Traveler" is the circular object or vessel that is at the center of the Destiny cover art. As through history itself great progress also brings great turmoil and chaos, this chaos is said to be a Darkness that follows the "Traveler", it found the Humans centuries after their golden age and when it found them it was “the end of everything”. At least until the players join the planet wars. A robotic being then tells us that it always knew that the “Darkness” would come back to finish what it started, to take their home. 


This lets us know that the vast species of life had time in which the Darkness had either stopped tracking the Traveler in an effort to conserve energy and attack the Traveler, in which the humans and other species of life may have thought they won The Planet Wars. The player is one of few who “who carry the light of the traveler” whether they are born with it or work for it, is yet to be specified; this “light” gives them the ability to fight the Darkness. These people are called "Guardians". The voice then says that this is humanity’s last hope and if they fail everything we have ever known will cease to exist. If this means that there will be sustainable consequences to death, and losing battles and wars throughout the online universe is yet to be specified. 


We will get our first taste of destiny in the coming weeks an ALPHA will be available sometime next week, the Beta will be available on July 7th, on Playstation 4. We can already see that a lot of work has been put into making sure Destiny deservedly earns the title of most anticipated game of the year.

By: John Almanzar

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