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If you’re much like myself you enjoy a great game and you also enjoy getting scared, nonetheless when a great horror title with tons of hype behind it is set to rerelease you get very excited about it. This is exactly what happened with Aliens: Colonial Marines. I still get choked up by the title itself. This was supposed to be the game to define and best retain the most amazing and tense parts of the movies, which many like myself hold near and dear to their heart as horror cinematic gold.


This game did the exact opposite it was scary, but not in the traditional tense environment and jump scares sense but in the, it sucked so bad I was scared to admit I bought it on release date. I was so disappointed in this game, this is a prime example of marketing lies and ambiguity. All the marketing materials trailers and so called “gameplay’ up until the release painted this game as a master piece of horror interactive media. When the game released it looked absolutely nothing like what was being marketed. Enough of that dip into the pool of over hyped depression let us get to what this video breakdown is about and that is Alien: isolation.


Alien: Isolation is what can only be described as what Aliens: colonial Marines was supposed to be in first person prospective.


The trailer is a lot like your standard horror movie trailer and that is the best part. It skips from frame to frame building up volume and momentum at a break neck pace up until the final moment where the main character is about to be attacked by an alien and an explosion goes off behind it. Not much context or information can be pulled from this trailer sadly but what does get across is that SEGA is trying very hard to make up for what happened with their last Alien’s game.


I’m hoping they get some redemption. Not because I feel bad for SEGA because I’m still very bitter about the bait and switch that was done to me a little over a year ago, but because I am selfish and hoping for a decent horror experience, which I’m currently highly deprived of in this current videogame market, dominated by gigantic open world RPG games or on the rails FPS’s.


We’ll be seeing a lot more of this game as its due out for release on October 7th.

By: John Almanzar

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